Monday, March 10

LG CEO to Attend Microsoft CEO Summit

Next month, LG CEO William Cho will be in Seattle, Washington, to attend the Microsoft CEO Summit, an event that brings together hundreds of CEOs from leading global companies to discuss topics ranging from the current state of the international business environment and economic and supply chain challenges, to new and developing market trends.

Artificial Intelligence, the transformational technology that continues to change the way people live and work, is expected to be a major focus at this year’s summit. At CES 2024 in January, CEO Cho redefined AI as ‘Affectionate Intelligence,’ communicating how a more caring, empathetic and authentic AI is essential to bring customer experience to a whole new paradigm.

“Through our close collaboration with leading global tech companies such as Microsoft, we at LG are striving to revolutionize the customer experience with state-of-the-art AI and to develop innovative business models that will fuel our future growth,” said CEO Cho. He further added, “We are on a mission to transition from a global consumer tech leader to a Smart Life Solution company, leveraging our Affectionate Intelligence to deliver unique experiences for our customers.”

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Source: LG Pressroom

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