Friday, March 7


IATA: Schiphol flight restrictions throttling air connectivity benefits in the Netherlands
Travel & Food

IATA: Schiphol flight restrictions throttling air connectivity benefits in the Netherlands

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) expressed shock at the announcement by the government of the Netherlands will cut the number of annual flights at Schiphol Airport to 440,000 – a 20% cut to Schiphol’s potential cap. “This sudden decision is a shocking blow to aviation, jobs, and the economy of the Netherlands. It comes on top of a tripling of the passenger tax, and a 37% rise in airport charges. We are seeing a throttling of air connectivity which has been steadily built up for 100 years, and supported large parts of the Dutch economy and the aspirations of millions of Dutch travelers,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General. The justification put forward for the cut is not supported by facts. The government claims that the cuts will reduce noise and deliver a s...
Dramatic Increase in Airport Charges “Damages Recovery of Air Connectivity in the Netherlands”
Business, Travel & Food

Dramatic Increase in Airport Charges “Damages Recovery of Air Connectivity in the Netherlands”

Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) warned that a proposed 37% increase in airport charges in the Netherlands risks significant damage to the recovery of air connectivity in the country. Following a formal review in which IATA and several airlines participated, the regulator for airport charges at Schiphol, ACM, released a decision on 21 April which accepted the airport’s position that due to losses incurred during the COVID-19 shutdown, it must raise airport charges by a cumulative 37% over the next three years. Air travel has still not recovered from COVID-19, the greatest shock in aviation history. The impacts in the Netherlands were acute: at its height, COVID-19 caused passenger numbers to fall by more than 70%, at a cost of around 200,000 aviation-suppor...
IATA: Time to end US pre-departure testing for fully vaccinated travelers
Breaking News, Travel & Food

IATA: Time to end US pre-departure testing for fully vaccinated travelers

Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA), in partnership with Airlines for America (A4A) and 28 US and international aviation and travel and tourism stakeholder groups, urged the US government to remove the pre-departure testing requirement for fully vaccinated air travelers flying to the US. The vaccinated traveler population adds no additional risks to the domestic US population. Increased immunity levels, the pervasiveness of COVID-19 in all 50 US states, rising vaccination rates and new therapeutics, all point to removing the testing requirement for fully vaccinated travelers. “The experience of Omicron has made it clear that travel restrictions have little to no impact in terms of preventing its spread. Moreover, as Omicron is already broadly present across th...