Saturday, October 5

Tag: Leia

IFA Berlin 2022 – Day 1: Samsung and the Next future stars
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IFA Berlin 2022 – Day 1: Samsung and the Next future stars

Berlin (Germany) - There is an invisible line that connected 2019 with 2022. It’s a line that passes across a pandemic, many video calls and the fear of being among other people. It passes across great technological achievements and the condition that as human beings when we act together we can make marvelous things. It is also the line that connects my last time at IFA Berlin. It was September 2019 when I was swinging around the halls of the Berlin Messe. Today, three years later, I’m there again and there are incredible things that capture my attention. Overall impression Maybe it is the pandemic and the quarantine is still active in some Asian countries but the fairground was not too busy. The line to enter and the traffic around the Messe were definitely manageable as well as the o...